October 15, 2004 Fiscalía EUA afirma
que Eliú se incriminó En mociones presentadas a la Corte Federal del distrito de Columbia en
noviembre, la Fiscalía estadounidense indicó que William Eliú Martínez se
incriminó de cargos de narcotráfico frente a los agentes de la DEA A. J.
Juicio podría ser a finales de 2005 El abogado defensor de William Eliú Martínez, Shawn Moore, indicó, luego
de la audiencia, que sería poco realista pensar que se abriría un juicio
para 2005, y que, en el mejor de los casos, se podría efectuar a fines de
ese año.
In motions presented/displayed to the Federal Court of the district of
Columbia in November, the American Office of the public prosecutor
indicated that William Eliú Martinez incriminó of positions of drug
trafficking in front of the agents of the DEA To J. Collazo and James
Casey, who, shortly after their arrest, the 12 of November of 2003 in
Panama, interrogated it in an airplane in the direction of the United
States. Martinez, who went newlywed, resigned to their right to remain
shut up and to look for a lawyer and, before speaking with the agents, she
signed a form in which indicated that she communicated to him on that
right, according to judicial documents obtained by the GRAPHICAL PRESS.
During the cuestionamiento of two hours, Eliú spoke debatablly in English
Spanish and with the agents and ", autoincriminó" during the conversation.
"the defendant never requested that the interrogation stopped, never
requested a lawyer, never complained of which it did not understand. The
agents did not promise to Mr. Eliú Martinez nothing or threatened it of
any way ", indicate documents. They reject allegations On the other hand,
the defense of the ex- Salvadoran deputy rejected the allegations of the
Office of the public prosecutor of which Martinez incriminó of positions
of drug trafficking during the interrogation. "We denied that", said the
public defender of Eliú, Shawn Moore, without giving greater details,
after a hearing conducted yesterday to 10:45 in the morning in Washington
DC. Judgment could be at the end of 2005 The defense counsel of William
Eliú Martinez, Shawn Moore, indicated, after the hearing, that would be
little realistic to think that a judgment for 2005 would be opened, and
that, in the best one of the cases, could be carried out that year by the
end of. The Office of the public prosecutor, on the other hand, has
reiterated in several occasions its desire to judge in joint form to Eliú,
Otto Herrera and its brother Guillermo, the Guatemalan Byron Linares and
the Aryan Sabas Salvadoran; what will take several months while the
extradition processes are completed. Eliú shut up in judgment Haggard and
inexpressive Eliú, who greeted with one slight smile the only reporter who
was in room 11 of the court, appeared in the morning in the hearing who
began with a quarter of an hour of delay, almost to 10:45. Unlike the
previous hearing, in which it went to the judge in Spanish and it was
declared nonguilty of the positions in his against, in this one, Eliú
remained shut up and listened kindly the judge, her lawyer and public
prosecutor Stephan Latour.
October 14, 2004 EUA
desclasifica juicio contra Eliú Estados Unidos desclasificó la información que posee en torno al juicio contra el ex diputado suplente salvadoreño por el partido PAN William Eliú Martínez. El anuncio se dio a conocer en la víspera de una audiencia que el salvadoreño sostiene hoy en la Corte que definirá la fecha del juicio, en el cual comparecerá más de una veintena de agentes de la Policía Nacional Civil. La desclasificación se dio el 23 de abril pasado. El fiscal Stephane Latour pidió a la Corte que dejara sin efecto las restricciones que al principio habían aplicado al caso, el cual ordenaba el secreto hasta que todos los acusados fueran capturados. La Corte accedió y el juicio fue abierto en vista de que los cinco acusados han sido identificados. Éstos son el ex diputado William Eliú Martínez, detenido en Panamá el 12 de noviembre pasado, acusado de participar en el tráfico de 36 toneladas de cocaína hacia los Estados Unidos. El segundo es Otto Herrera García, alias “Francisco Villagrán”, líder de la organización delictiva que se conoce como “Cártel del Golfo” y que fue capturado en México el 21 de abril. El tercero de la lista es Guillermo Herrera García, alias “Willy”, hermano de Otto, que ayudaba a recibir, transportar y almacenar los cargamentos de cocaína. Éste es el único que no ha sido capturado. El cuarto lugar de la estructura lo ocupa Sabas David Arias Martínez, el “narcolanchero” que estaba a cargo del transporte de la cocaína, quien fue capturado por la Policía Nacional Civil y enfrenta cargos en el Juzgado de Instrucción de San Luis Talpa, La Paz. Los documentos revelan que existe un quinto implicado en la organización, al que se ha identifico como Byron Linares. Según el reporte de la Fiscalía, ayudaba a recibir, transportar y guardar los cargamentos de cocaína en Guatemala y ha sido arrestado por las autoridades de ese país, en donde también enfrenta cargos. La Fiscalía estadounidense argumenta que el ex diputado Martínez y los otros cuatro acusados usaron lanchas rápidas para descargar en altamar la cocaína procedente de Colombia. Luego, los estupefacientes eran cargados en camiones hasta áreas remotas donde los almacenaban. Posteriormente, la cocaína era llevada de El Salvador a Guatemala escondida en los pisos de camiones, que usualmente transportaban bananas. Otto y Guillermo Herrera García, junto con Byron Linares, escondían la droga en una propiedad de Otto en Guatemala, de donde después era llevada a México y finalmente a Estados Unidos. Los expedientes también dan cuenta de lo que ya se sospechaba acerca de Martínez, es decir, que utilizó su influencia como legislador suplente para realizar el trasiego de drogas. El Gobierno dice que entre los datos que han podido corroborar es que en marzo de 1996, en Guatemala, Otto Herrera y otros recibieron aproximadamente 850 kilogramos de cocaína de Colombia, que iba destinada a Estados Unidos. En diciembre del mismo año, el grupo trasegó otros 1 mil 500 kilogramos del estupefaciente. El 14 de julio de 1997, Guillermo Herrera había ganado 297 mil dólares de la venta de cocaína cerca de Woodsboro, Texas. La Fiscalía norteamericana documenta —con apoyo de investigadores salvadoreños— que el 9 de octubre de 1998, en El Salvador, Eliú Martínez compró una lancha por $46 mil. Cinco días después, adquirió otros dos botes rápidos para el transporte de narcóticos. Confirman que fue en 1999 cuando Sabas Arias reclutó a otras personas para tripular las lanchas rápidas y que en varias ocasiones, durante junio de 2000 y abril de 2001, Martínez alquiló una propiedad en la bahía de Jiquilisco, que usó como lugar para reabastecer los tanques de las lanchas rápidas en nombre de “Francisco Villagrán” (Otto Herrera). Fiscales estadounidenses han venido al país para asegurar testimonio de 23 policías contra Martínez. Shawn Moore, el abogado de Martínez, dijo que la jueza Colleen Kollar Kotelly podría fijar en la audiencia de hoy la fecha del juicio.
“Pedimos que el caso sea suspendido” Da pocas entrevistas y admite de frente que no le agrada la prensa en general. Sin embargo, accede a contestar algunas preguntas durante unos 20 minutos en el café Au Bon Pain, esquina opuesta de la Corte Suprema norteamericana, a pocos pasos de su oficina, en Washington D.C. El defensor público del ex legislador salvadoreño William Eliú Martínez da respuestas cortas y en ocasiones ríe y prefiere no contestar. Shawn Moore, con 20 años de experiencia en las cortes criminales, pide que el caso sea suspendido, argumentando que no debió ser traído al Distrito de Columbia. ¿Cómo se encuentra Eliú en la cárcel? Está aguantando, obviamente no es muy agradable estar en la cárcel, pero William está aguantando bien. ¿Ha tenido contacto con su familia? Ha tenido contacto por teléfono de forma regular. Al principio creo que su familia vino y lo vio, pero debido a la gran distancia, no creo que haya visto a nadie en algún tiempo. Es difícil para ellos que vengan desde Houston o San Salvador. Usted dijo con anterioridad que se va a declarar inocente... Ya introdujimos una declaración de inocencia. En algún momento el juicio va a iniciar y luego un jurado va a decidir si lo encuentra culpable o inocente. ¿Cuándo será la fecha del juicio? No lo sabemos, podríamos saber más esta semana. Depende de la jueza, si quiere poner una fecha del juicio esta semana. ¿Tiene algún estimado de cuando podría iniciar el juicio? Yo creo que será después del Año Nuevo, pero no puedo ser más específico. No creo que sea posible que se realice antes. ¿Se espera un juicio largo o corto? El Gobierno dijo en la última audiencia que piensan que podían realizar el juicio en dos semanas. Yo creo que nos llevara más que eso. Podría estar equivocado, pero es un caso muy complicado.
¿Ha contactado al abogado de Eliú en El Salvador? Eso no lo puedo contestar. ¿Ya fue a El Salvador a examinar la evidencia? Estuvimos en El Salvador. Hay una gran posibilidad de regresar para ver alguna de la evidencia del Gobierno, porque entiendo que hay evidencia que todavía está en El Salvador y Guatemala, aún no la han traído. ¿Cuál es la importancia de esta próxima audiencia? Probablemente, poner una fecha para ver qué tan pronto puede empezar el juicio. ¿Es uno de los casos más difíciles que le ha tocado? Cualquier caso es difícil cuando la libertad de alguien está en riesgo. ¿Sabe algo sobre la extradición de Otto Herrera? La Fiscalía no nos ha informado nada sobre su extradición. ¿Qué argumentos han presentado a la corte antes del juicio? Pedimos que el caso sea suspendido por procedimiento inadecuado, que significa que pensamos que el caso no debió haber sido traído al Distrito de Columbia, debido a que no vemos ninguna conexión entre este caso y el Distrito de Columbia. También hemos sometido un argumento para que se suprima evidencia y además le hemos pedido al Gobierno que presente cualquier información que tenga sobre cualquier arreglo que haya sido hecho con personas que se espera que testifiquen contra el señor Martínez y espero que en la próxima audiencia la jueza diga cuándo es que deben responder a estos argumentos. Si la jueza está de acuerdo con la primera petición, ¿entonces Eliú saldría libre? Si ella decide suspenderlo, entonces al menos temporalmente el caso terminaría. Si ellos (la Fiscalía) deciden tratar de continuarlo, entonces tendría que ser en otra jurisdicción.
USA declassifies judgment against Eliú Adriana Valley/Sent judicial@laprensa.com.sv
Between the new information it appears the name of the Guatemalan Byron
Linares, another one of the assistants of Otto Herrera.
The United States declassified the information that has around the judgment against the ex- Salvadoran substitute deputy by the party BREAD William Eliú Martinez. The announcement occurred to know in the eve of a hearing that the Salvadoran maintains today in the Court that will define the date of the judgment, in which will appear more than a twenty of agents of the Civil National Police. The declassification occurred the 23 of last April. Public prosecutor Stephane Latour requested to the Court that lapsed the restrictions that had applied to the case in the beginning, which ordered the secret until all the defendant were captured. The Court it acceded and the trial was begun in view of which the five defendant have been identified. These are ex- deputy William Eliú Martinez, stopped in Panama 12 of November the last, defendant to participate in the traffic of 36 tons of cocaine towards the United States. The second is Otto Herrera Garci'a, alias "Francisco Villagrán", leader of the criminal organization who is known like "Cartel of the Gulf" and that was captured in Mexico the 21 of April. Third of the list he is Guillermo Herrera Garci'a, alias "Willy", brother of Otto, that helped to receive, to transport and to store cocaine shipments. This one is the unique one that has not been captured. The fourth place of the structure occupies Sabas David Aryan Martinez, the "boatwoman" who was in charge of the transport of the cocaine, that was captured by the Civil National Police and faces positions in the Court of Instruction of San Luis Talpa, La Paz. The documents reveal that it exists fifth implied in the organization, to which is had I identify like Byron Linares. According to the report of the Office of the public prosecutor, it helped to receive, to transport and to keep shipments from cocaine in Guatemala and has been arrested by the authorities of that country, in where also it faces positions. The American Office of the public prosecutor argues that the ex- deputy Martinez and the other four defendant used speedboats to unload in open sea the cocaine coming from Colombia. Soon, the narcotics were loaded in trucks until remote areas where they stored them. Later, the cocaine was taken from El Salvador to Guatemala hidden in the floors of trucks, that usually transported bananas. Otto and Guillermo Herrera Garci'a, together with Byron Linares, hid the drug in a property of Otto in Guatemala, of where later she was taken to Mexico and finally to United States. The files also give account which already it suspected about Martinez, that is to say, that it used his influence like substitute legislator to make the drug transfer. The Government says that between the data that have been able to corroborate it is that in March of 1996, in Guatemala, Otto Herrera and others received approximately 850 kilograms of cocaine of Colombia, that went destined to the United States. In December of the same year, the group trasegó other 1 thousand 500 kilograms of the narcotic. The 14 of 1997 July, Guillermo Herrera had gained 297 thousand dollars of the cocaine sale near Woodsboro, Texas. The North American Office of the public prosecutor documents - with support of Salvadoran investigators who the 9 of October of 1998, in El Salvador, Eliú Martinez bought a boat by $46 thousands. Five days later, it acquired other two fast boats for the narcotic transport. They confirm that it was in 1999 when Sabas Aryan recruited other people to man the speedboats and that in several occasions, during June of 2000 and April of 2001, Martinez rented a property in the bay of Jiquilisco, that used like place to resupply the tanks of the speedboats in name of "Francisco Villagrán" (Otto Herrera). American public prosecutors have come to the country to assure testimony 23 police against Martinez. Shawn Moore, the lawyer of Martinez, said that judge Colleen Kollar Kotelly could fix to the today hearing the date of the judgment. Shawn Moore, defender of Eliú Martinez "We requested that the case is suspended" It gives few interviews and it admits front that it does not please the press to him in general. Nevertheless, it accedes to answer some questions during about 20 minutes in the Au coffee Bon Pain, opposed corner of the North American Supreme Court, to few passages of its office, in Washington D.C. The public defender of ex- Salvadoran legislator William Eliú Martinez gives short answers and sometimes he laughs and he prefers not to answer. Shawn Moore, with 20 years of experience in the criminal cuts, requests that the case is suspended, arguing that it did not have to be brought to the District of Columbia. How is Eliú in the jail? It is holding, obvious is not very pleasant to be in the jail, but William is holding well. It has had contact with his family? It has had contact by telephone regularly. I believe in the beginning that her family came and she saw it, but due to the great distance, I do not believe that she has seen anybody in some time. It is difficult for them that they come from Houston or San Salvador. You said previously that she is going away to declare innocent... We already introduced an innocence declaration. At some moment the judgment is going to initiate and soon a jury is going to decide if he finds culprit or innocent. When it will be the date of the judgment? We do not know it, we could know plus this week. It depends on the judge, if it wants to put a date of the judgment this week. It has some considered of when it could initiate the judgment? I believe that she will be after the New Year, but cannot be more specific. I do not believe that it is possible that it is made before. Is expected a long or short judgment? The Government said in the last hearing that thinks that they could make the judgment in two weeks. I believe that she took to us more than that. He could be mistaken, but it is a very complicated case. He has contacted to the lawyer of Eliú in El Salvador? That I cannot answer it. It already went to El Salvador to examine the evidence? We were in El Salvador. There is a great possibility of returning to see some of the evidence of the Government, because I understand that there is evidence that still is in El Salvador and Guatemala, not yet have brought it. Which is the importance of this next hearing? Probably, to put a date to see what so soon the judgment can begin. He is one of the most difficult cases that it has touched to him? Any case is difficult when the freedom of somebody is in risk. Knows something on the extradition of Otto Herrera? The Office of the public prosecutor us has not informed anything on its extradition. What arguments have presented/displayed to the cut before the judgment? We requested that the case is suspended by inadequate procedure, that means that we thought that the case must not be brought to the District of Columbia, because we do not see any connection between this case and the District of Columbia. Also we have put under an argument so that evidence is suppressed and in addition we have asked to him the Government who presents/displays any information that he has on any adjustment that has been done with people who hope that they testify against Mr. Martinez and I hope that in the next hearing the judge says when she is that they must respond to these arguments. If the judge is in agreement with the first request, then Eliú would leave frees? If she decides to suspend it, then at least temporarily the case would finish. If they (the Office of the public prosecutor) decide to try to continue it, then she would have to be in another jurisdiction.
October 2, 2004
It continues in prison. Facade of the jail of the city of Washington where
is lengthy ex- deputy William Eliú Martinez. According to declarations of
the Salvadoran public prosecutors, more than 20 police they will serve
like witnesses in a judgment
William Eliú Martinez will face, in a judgment in the United States, the
word of its compatriots. Two American public prosecutors who this week
visited the country assured the appearance of 26 witnesses so that they
declare against the ex- processed Salvadoran deputy in that country by
drug trafficking activities. Public prosecutors Sthefan Latur and another
one of Motha last name were during three days in El Salvador trying to
convince the witnesses so that they travel to the United States to declare
against of the ex- Salvadoran congressman by the Party of National Action
(BREAD). In effect, Alberto Gudiel Wings, that are the commander of the
Antinarcotráfico Unit of the Salvadoran Office of the public prosecutor,
assured that their homologous Americans managed to convince 23 agents of
the PNC which they participated in different levellings from warehouses
and buildings that had in Salvadoran ground the members of the
international network of drug dealers to which they belonged Eliú; Sabas
David Aryan, the "boatwoman" of the organization and main witness in the
Salvadoran judicial process, and the Guatemalan Otto Herrera, leader of
the cartel of the Gulf. "We understand that the visit for them was very
fruitful because or they have the guarantee of the people who they need
strategically to declare in judgment, because or they accepted to appear
there", declared to the GRAPHICAL PRESS, Gudiel Wings. On Aryan police
agents and Sabas, the Salvadoran Office of the public prosecutor
guaranteed its appearance like witnesses in the United States. Not thus in
case of three people particular, who were they those who made the decision
to collaborate with American justice, clarified Gudiel. In the case of
these people, the civil employee declined to reveal more details on his
relations with Eliú Martinez. Simply he said that they had commercial
bonds with the ex- deputy. Sources of the Embassy of the United States in
El Salvador confirmed the visit of both fiscal from Washington to
Salvadoran territory. But they said that already they left the country.
Gudiel confirmed that the American civil employees divided Thursday. In
addition to Eliú, also one processes the supposed head of the
international network of narcotics traffickers, the Guatemalan, Otto
Herrera Robert, by the crime of conspiracy in drug trafficking activities.
Another one of the processings is Guillermo Herrera, brother of Otto
Herrera, and the same Aryan Sabas David, right hand of Eliú. Them, the
American authorities blame them to have entered their country 36 tons of
cocaine. Eliú Martinez was captured in Panama in November of the last
year, whereas Herrera was stopped in Mexico. Between the evidence the
seizure of 2 thousand 556 kilograms of cocaine made in March of 1999 in
Guatemala will appear. In addition, 14 million 400 thousand dollars, books
of accounting and other documents. Declaration of Sabas in EUA in
condition Sabas Aryan accepted to declare in the United States, but the
Office of the public prosecutor is conditional the request to that it is
not catched. The declaration of Sabas David Aryan in the United States
against its head Willian Eliú Martinez and other capos of the
international drug trafficking still is in condition, because it depends
on the decision that take the American authorities. The public prosecutor
of that Sthefan country Latur and its companion, of Motha last name,
visited this El Salvador week to convince to 23 police agents and three
particular people so that they travel to the United States to declare in
the judgment against Eliú. One of the main testimonies that they try to
assure the public prosecutors of the Aryan Washingtons is the one of Sabas
David, that was the right hand of Eliú in the drug trafficking activities.
The commander of the Antinarcotráfico Unit of the Salvadoran Office of the
public prosecutor, Alberto Gudiel Wings, assured yesterday that the
"boatwoman" already accepted to testify against his ex- head. But
according to Gudiel Wings, the Office of the public prosecutor put a
condition for which Sabas goes like witness to United States. "That is
guaranteed that Sabas David Aryan is not going to be left prisoner in that
country", it declared, since also it is processed next to Eliú and I
castrate Guatemalan, Otto Herrera. It is indeed that point on which the
American authorities must explain, it said Gudiel Wings. "the problem can
arise in the sense that it (Sabas) cannot get there to declare like
witness; it must get to declare like imputed, to declare itself guilty of
the facts that they attribute to him. They would have to review (the
United States) its internal legislation ", considered the head
antinarcotic. Sabas does not identify passport Sabas David Aryan did not
manage to recognize the person who appears in a Salvadoran passport seized
in a house in Guatemala property of I castrate of the Otto drug Herrera
Robert. The document to name of the Salvadoran Jose Mario Castle Rodriguez
was confiscated at the end of April, when the authorities of Guatemala
made a levelling in a mansion of Herrera located in the Manzanales
community, 17 kilometers to the west of the Guatemalan capital. The
Salvadoran Office of the public prosecutor considered that the Salvadoran
could have some bond with the international network of narcotics
traffickers. For that reason, recently a recognition was made in wheel of
photographies, but Sabas, the key witness, could not identify it. "the
witness said that the photography was not very clear and that for that
reason it could not recognize it", expressed the commander of the
Antinarcotráfico Unit of the Office of the public prosecutor, Alberto
Gudiel Wings. It added that it will be tried to run another errand
similar, but with photographies of the person who appears digitally in the
passport extracted for greater clarity. This process will become before a
judge. Otto Herrera already was extradited to EUA I castrate Otto
Guatemalan Herrera Robert already was extradited from Mexico to the United
States, assured yesterday the head the Antinarcotráfico Unit, Alberto
Gudiel Wings. Otto Herrera is considered by the American and Salvadoran
authorities like the head of well-known the international network of
dealers like the Poster of the Gulf. This delincuencial organization
illegally introduced in the United States 36 tons of cocaine. By that
action she processes herself to Herrera, to his brother Guillermo Herrera,
ex- Salvadoran deputy Willian Eliú Martinez and to Aryan Sabas David. Otto
Herrera fled from Guatemala in the 2003 after which the security forces
seized to him, in April of that year, more than 14 million dollars in
cash, hidden in a house of its property. I castrate of the drug was the
past captured 21 of April in Mexico by antinarcotic agents of that
country. Its extradition to the United States was in vilo during several
months and the Mexican authorities jailed some time. Nevertheless, Gudiel
Wings assured yesterday to the GRAPHICAL PRESS: "(Otto Herrera) it was
already extradited to the United States a long time ago. It already is
there ". However, it did not need the date in that the extradition was
made. Like Eliú, Herrera will be judged in the United States by the crime
of conspiracy in drug trafficking activities. I also castrate Guatemalan
is required by Salvadoran justice and the one of Guatemala, where he is
accused to him to have dealt several drug shipments. Three visits to the
country Both fiscal Americans who visited the country recently, did it in
at least three occasions. They have come to El Salvador to know the
judicial process that is purified here against such imputed, said Gudiel
Wings. He added that in those visits the Salvadoran fiscal agents who take
the case and have crossed information on the judicial processes and the
tests have met with that are had in each country.
9 - June 2004
SLOPE. Guatemalan narcotics detective Otto Herrera is guarded by judicial
authorities in Mexico, where he stays shut in to the delay of his
extradition to E.U.A.
9 - June 2004
El juicio no puede ser dilatado más. Hay que tratar
de apurar su inicio y comenzar tan rápido como se pueda. Proceso abierto en El Salvador La justicia salvadoreña también sigue penalmente a Sabas David Arias, Eliú Martínez y el guatemalteco Otto Herrera, supuesto jefe del cártel del Golfo en Guatemala. Sabas es considerado el lanchero que proporcionó sus servicios a Martínez y Herrera para el trasiego de la droga que pasó por El Salvador hacia Estados Unidos. El proceso judicial se ventila en el Juzgado de Instrucción de San Luis Talpa, en el Departamento de la Paz, jurisdicción costera donde se trasegó la droga. Actualmente el juzgado realiza los trámites diplomáticos para pedir la extradición de Eliú Martínez y Otto Herrera, detenidos en países norteamericanos. En nuestro país los tres imputados son procesados por los delitos de comercio, tráfico y almacenamiento ilícito de drogas. La Fiscalía también mantiene un expediente de investigación contra un salvadoreño, cuyo pasaporte fue localizado en un allanamiento a una vivienda relacionada con Otto Herrera.
The judgment cannot be expanded more. It is necessary to try to worry his
beginning and to begin as fast as it can. Single than ever and this time
without at least returning to see the public who occurred to appointment
in the court number eight of the Federal Court of Justice of Washington
D.C., William Eliú Martinez it appeared to a hearing that finished with a
new suspension of its judgment for the 8 of September of this year. "Don
William" rejected, with an English fluid, to the interpreter who offered
judge to him Collar Kotelly, and said to understand the legal terms. Soon
the lawyers, as much of the office of the public prosecutor as of the
defense, exposed their pleas during approximately ten minutes.
New public prosecutor Stephane Latour, whom he replaces in the case to Steven Seagel, argued that the North American Government has the opportunity to extradite in the next months to one of the prisoners and suspects in the case, but did not want to mention his name. "we only can say to them what they have listened in the hearing, that one of them can be brought to the country to testify in the case of Eliú Martinez", it said to Latour to the GRAPHICAL PRESS when finalizing the session. In the case the North American authorities have requested to Mexico the extradition of I castrate Otto Herrera, the head of Eliú; in addition that the boatman stopped in El Salvador, Sabas David Aryan, has not discarded the possibility "of collaborating" with the justice of the United States. The defender of the ex- Salvadoran legislator, Shawn Moore, said that although he understood the frustration of his defendant, still was left "work to do", alluding to a trip still not made to El Salvador to successfully obtain more information and tests. "We are in agreement with the concession of more time for the initiation of the case. We will try to travel to El Salvador in the following months ", concluded, on time to clarify to this newspaper that did not know the name of the person who could be extradited for the judgment. On the other hand, Judge Kotelly accepted the request made by both parts for an extension of the term to initiate the judgment, although she clarified that she did under the understanding of which the next time there will be no excuses. "the judgment cannot be expanded more. It is necessary to try to worry his beginning and to begin as fast as it can ", stressed. In the short duration of the hearing to state the state of the case of Eliú Martinez, any mention to Otto Herrera or some did not become of the other prisoners, by the same legal chapter. Process opened in El Salvador Salvadoran justice also follows penal Sabas David Aryan, Eliú Martinez and the Guatemalan Otto Herrera, supposed head of the cartel of the Gulf in Guatemala. Sabas is considered the boatman who provided his services to Martinez and Herrera for the transfer of the drug that happened through the Salvador towards United States. The judicial process is ventilated in the Court of Instruction of San Luis Talpa, in the Department of La Paz, coastal jurisdiction where trasegó the drug. At the moment the court makes the diplomatic proceedings to request the extradition of Eliú Martinez and Otto Herrera, stopped in North American countries. In our country the three imputed are process by the crimes of commerce, traffic and illicit storage of drugs. The Office of the public prosecutor also maintains a file of investigation against a Salvadoran, whose passport was located in a levelling to a house related to Otto Herrera.