Sabas declarado culpable Decisión. Fue condenado a purgar cuatro años con seis meses de cárcel. La Fiscalía pidió penas mínimas
Jaime García El lanchero Sabas David Arias se declaró culpable ayer de haber
participado en el trasiego en Centroamérica de 36 toneladas de cocaína,
entre 1999 y el 2000, junto al ex diputado William Eliú Martínez, condenado
por narcotráfico en los Estados Unidos.
En el fallo, emitido a las 2:40 p.m., los juzgadores manifestaron que
habían determinado que el acusado participó en seis desembarcos de cocaína
en altamar y que colaboró en el traslado de los estupefacientes.
Agregó que la lancha fue modificada y se le instalaron potentes motores y
tanques para gasolina con capacidad para 350 galones. Indicó que Eliú
adquirió otras dos lanchas tiburoneras que fueron modificadas en forma
similar y fueron nombradas como Pamela I, II y III. “En ese momento no sabía que habíamos llevado, pero me ordenaron que
lavara la lancha y que no dejara rastros”, dijo Sabas.
Pero no ocurrió así y lo que consiguió fue que Eliú le disparara cerca de
los pies y no le pagara el cuarto desembarco ni el quinto. Lanchero declararía en contra de más acusados El fiscal Óscar Carbajal informó durante el juicio que Sabas David Arias
seguirá colaborando con las autoridades de los Estados Unidos ya que
eventualmente podría testificar en contra de otras personas involucradas en
el mismo caso, por lo que su condena debía ser benévola.
Estados Unidos, México y El Salvador han reclamado la captura y
extradición del guatemalteco Otto Herrera, quien se fugó de un penal
He indicated that Eliú acquired other two tiburoneras boats that were modified in similar form and were named like Pamela I, II and III. According to the employee, Eliú ordered to him that it accompanied it to fish in open sea. They were several times until a day said to him that they would make another fishing but that it would not go. When they came near to the place they saw come a boat with Peruvian flag. From him a high and brown man descended who, next to other subjects, transferred about 35 coats. It added that the coats were worn to the farm Four Winds, in where was Eliú. "Then it did not know that we had taken, but they ordered that it washed the boat to me and that did not leave signs", said Sabas. He detailed that in February of 2000 they conducted a similar operation only that in this occasion arrived a boat at the point of contact and four men passed other 33 coats to them. Eliú operated a radius to communicate with them from Four Winds. Otto Herrera participated in the disembarkations, according to said Sabas. It indicated that in the third trip to open sea it did not want to accompany them, but that Eliú noticed to him that if any person realized which he happened was in danger and its family. Before this it said that it decided to accompany them to the disembarkation. In May of that same year they made another trip to open sea and with the same people. That time they were 34 coats, according to assured before the court. Sabotage When one was going away to give the fourth Sabas disembarkation decided to retire of the activities of Eliú, reason why it assured that it starred a boat against a wall and it left it unsuitable in order that outside dismissed. Precaution. The criminal arrived at the diligence protected with a vest bullet-proof. Photo EDH/Lissette Lemus But it did not happen thus and what that obtained it was Eliú shot to him near the feet and did not pay the fourth disembarkation to him nor fifth. In the fifth disembarkation the drug was hidden with dung. For when the sixth disembarkation becomes, Sabas said that it decided to denounce the fact to the System of Emergency 911. It assured that when one of the boats was taken to another farm it was intercepted by the seized police and. Nevertheless it said that the case did not happen to more. Because it did not see advances of the police, Tuesday 11 of May to the 6:30 a.m. went to the Office of the public prosecutor to give itself and to count what knew. "I have acted like few people. I do not try with it to say that I did not make bad ", it said between sobs and it took seat. Boatman would declare against more accusing Public prosecutor Óscar Carbajal informed during the judgment that Sabas David Aryan will continue collaborating with the authorities of the United States since possibly it could testify against other people involved in the same case, reason why its sentence had to be benevolent.
William Eliú Martinez was delegated of the Party of National Action (BREAD). The authorities of the United States extradited it from Panama to judge it by positions of international drug trafficking by Central America. It was condemned. Otto Herrera the Office of the public prosecutor involves it in the transfer of the drug. El Salvador has demanded it to process it by drug trafficking. The United States, Guatemala and Mexico also want to arrest it and to do judgment to him. The United States, Mexico and El Salvador have demanded the capture and extradition of the Guatemalan Otto Herrera, who escaped itself from a Mexican penitentiary.
The American authorities want to seat it in the prisoners' dock by positions of drug trafficking to the salary supposedly participated in the organization led by the ex- deputy of the Party National Action (BREAD), William Eliú Martinez. The 27 of Eliú July were declared guilty by a court of the United States thanks to the declaration rendered by Sabas like key witness. The boatman revealed details of the operations of drug trafficking. The DEA sent an airplane to El Salvador to transfer under a strict security the boatman so that it participated in the judgment against the ex- parliamentarian in Washington. The treatment Before the Sabas diligence it declared before journalists who had confessed their crimes in the judgment because she had a deal with the Office of the public prosecutor of the United States. "Basing to me on agreements that we have between I and the Office of the public prosecutor of El Salvador and the United States I am going away to declare culprit", emphasized. It added that with the Public Ministry it had the agreement in which the minimum pain would prevail to him. "As well as I have been responsible in my actions I will be responsible in which the law dictates to me", it said. Sabas indicated that there are commitments with the United States to offer protection him and to his family. "I have tried to backslide to me (to vindicate itself) by the damages that I have caused to my country and for that reason I traveled to the United States", it added. "I hope that they take into account everything", it said.