Sabas delata a Eliú en EE.UU. Proceso. El ex empleado dijo que su antiguo patrón lo amenazó con matarlo a él y a su familia si revelaba detalles de las operaciones de narcotráfico
El fiscal Michael Mota le preguntó a Sabas si sabía lo que se había
descargado del barco grande, y el testigo respondió que sí: unas pacas color
negro que se colocaron en una área de la Pamela 2.
Las pacas se depositaron en la bodega de Cuatro Vientos. El fiscal le preguntó si Eliú Martínez, diputado por el Partido Acción
Nacional (PAN), participó en descargar, a lo que Arias respondió que sí.
Testigo lloró al tomar la palabra Sabas David Arias no pudo contener el llanto al manifestar al tribunal
que “sabía que sería condenado en El Salvador a 15 años” por narcotráfico. “Me he sentido muy mal y con pena y no quiero morir con eso dentro de mí”,
The boatman Sabas David Aryan revealed yesterday before a court in Washington that ex- deputy William Eliú Martinez and the Guatemalan fugitive Otto Herrera participated directly in the drug transfer by El Salvador. Sabas arrived at the federal cut dressed in orange uniform, escorted by an official and with the hands backwards, but without spouses. The boatman detailed that in six occasions he left in the Pamela boats 1 and Pamela 2, of Eliú, to pretend that they fished, but really would trasegarían cocaine. In February of 1999, it added the criminal, Eliú and a subject of Julio name was in one of the boats to simulate that they were going to fish to receive drug. It clarified that of the six occasions, only in one Eliú sailed and in the rest he remained until the dawn to receive "the packages".
He detailed that once they left the farm Four Winds and arrived at high seas before the midnight. Sabas said that next to several assistants they were put to fish and one hour later arrived a boat of greater size, of name "Holy", with Peruvian flag and was placed on a par of the boat. In the sea. This he is one of the farms, property of the ex- deputy, that have been investigated by nexuses with narcotics detectives. Photo EDH the public prosecutor Michael Speck asked to him Sabas if it knew what it had unloaded of the great boat, and the witness responded that yes: pacas black color that were placed in an area of Pamela 2. It added that they were between 15 and 20 pacas. "Era the first time which we loaded that type of load", detailed Aryans. It indicated that within each paca there were cuadritos type bricks. Speck asked to him to Sabas if he had a suspicion of the content, to which responded to him that then he did not know it.
The witness expressed that, in the mentioned occasion, they left about the 4:00 afternoon Four Winds and returned to the coast between 10:00 and 11:00 at night. "When arriving at the coast, Mr. Otto Herrera (fugitive by drug trafficking) communicated with Mr. William Eliú Martinez. When they arrived at the coast, Eliú already had ready the tow to raise it the hangar. Eliú tried to remove the first boat (Pamela 1), but could not, and it was helped of a vehicle to do it. It did the same with Pamela 2", detailed Sabas. Washington. Two public prosecutors against the drug traffic of El Salvador when coming out of the Court. Photo EDH the pacas were deposited in the warehouse of Four Winds. "In this occasion they walked Rodrigo, Quique, Pedro and somebody that to the engineer and Eliú lawyer said to him Martinez, more four securities, all armed with guns", affirmed the declarante.
The public prosecutor asked to him if Eliú Martinez, delegated by the Party National Action (BREAD), participated in unloading, which Aryan responded that yes. Later, it added, Eliú returned to see if they had washed the boats and if Pamela 2 well were covered with canvas. The witness indicated that in that Eliú occasion he asked to him: "He knows what we have brought". Aryans responded to him: "No, Sir". Eliú said to him: "This is cocaine". "it threatened to me and it said to me that any person who knows, is because you told him, since he is the unique one that knows from right now", related Sabas. The imputed William Eliú Martinez was member of the Party National Action (BREAD) in El Salvador and fungió like president of the Club of Sport Soccer Arcense.
The Salvadoran authorities investigated suspicious operations conducted in their farms of the coast. Aryan witness cried when taking the word Sabas David could not contain the weeping when declaring to the court who "knew that he would be condemned in El Salvador to 15 years" by drug trafficking. "I have felt very badly and with pain and I do not want to die with that within me", said. It added that the 9 of September will be judged in El Salvador, reason why requested to the American Court that what Martinez has testified in the judgment against Eliú is sent in writing to the Salvadoran courts, in order that it is left shaped its collaboration and it influences in its penal process. Sabas declared that the 10 of February of 2004 appeared to the Office of the public prosecutor of El Salvador to declare voluntarily and "to leave the problem", and added that it declared culprit of the positions of cooperation in the drug traffic, commerce and storage of drugs and criminal associations. A public prosecutor approached Sabas and he gave a napkin him so that he cleaned the tears.
The defender of Eliú recriminated to Sabas saying to him that he had cooperated by the benefits that United States offered to him for him and his family.